Yep! Lets hope they and all the birds out there keep warm...Thank You all for the comments on the pics! Today something went wrong when I took pics. I did put some on the FB page. Stay safe and Warm as possible everyone!!
Today's Watch:
Arrived downtown at noon, and had to really drive around a while before finding M&M. They were perched on the extreme Northwest corner of the Chase Tower, Mystic on the window and Mo on the decorative building ornament. Mystic was preening and Mo was dozing... A little while later it became apparent he had eaten well, after I caught him on camera after a small mission he did. So he is earning his right to be full!
After checking the pair out from below, I ventured up to the garage where I could see a new sight...ALL the pigeons were on the roof of the Chase Tower! There were absolutley no pigeons anywhere else downtown..Some flew in from different directions, but they all landed on the roof...Now less than 15 feet below them, M&M were perched on the side of the CT... I had to think about why this was...
One possible reason soon made itself known... The whole flock lifted off at once, and there went Maurice!!! The flock followed above him and as fast as he was moving west, I knew he wasn't after the pigeons, unless it was a stray one down Tusc Ave...When he disappeared behind the various buildings that way, I caught a glimpse of what he was after....HAWK! I could hear him vocalizing (the call is very loud) and the hawk was booking it low until they both went behind the PB building and I lost track..the hawk was either a Sharp Shinned or Cooper's...It appeared smaller than Mo, so I am guessing it was a "sharpie" This happens so fast I did not even get pics, so only the story will have to do... But I WAS ready for his return to the downtown area...and he came back flapping in a very haughty way, kind of like a pigeon when it smacks it's wings during courtship...He headed over to where Mystic was and they stayed there for a while... The pigeons resettled on the rook of the CT.. Now, to me, it was appearing that with the hawk pressuring the pigeons, maybe due to the cold, the pigeons responded by moving closer to the falcons...M&M could not leave their perch, without the pigeons knowing it...Hmmm, whats the saying? Keep you friends close and your enemies even closer?!!!
At 2:45 the flock took off, and there came a falcon circling and swooping around the CT from the east where a headwind pushed her up fast over the top of the building, she was dead set on hunting the pigeons...Dives and swoops, the flock breaking up and the adrenaline rush of trying to keep up with the falcon as it manuvers and dives...Loosing it in the lens and regaining it by eye...This was definetley Mystic hunting...She doesn't mess around, and tends to be direct with her hunts. If she misses, she pulls back and floats away pretty quick. She ended up leaving downtown and heading to AEP, followed shortly by Mo. They stayed away till 3:30 when one appeared on the Key building sign. Not long though, as it came fast over to the CT an first, hovered, and then, landed on the roof where the flock was just moments before...After looking thru pics, it was Mystic again, and to my amazement..the flock began to land up there with her!!!!!!!On foot, she rushed at the nearest ones, and the flock took off again and wheeled just over she looked back toward the AEP tower... After a few minutes she took off and attempted a kill over by the Key building, where some of the flock had went to roost on the windowsills. Again unsuccesful, she flew over and back to the AEP tower...Left about 4:30 when neither came back and the setting sun made it impossible to see in the direction of the AEP tower...
Wanted to throw out there a thought... Isn't it strange that the pigeons don't get the heck out of downtown? It is their "home" too, and pigeons will fly long distances to come "home", but with the daily hunting by M&M, it seems crazy to stay put. There has to be a benifit to staying, I would think?